About two weeks ago, my mother's friend in Georgia, Laura, got a visit from one of her friends. Now miss Laura's husband is deployed over seas despite this and that with bringing the soldiers home which I won't get into :P
Since Laura has two babies (Addison is still being potty trained, and Wyatt is only a few months old) and is pretty much going insane from lack of friends and family in Georgia, she decided to come back to Tennessee with that friend to visit her own friends and family. This is great for my mom, because she has been so stressed from the amount of bullshit the elementary school she teaches at puts on her. I'm happy my mom gets to see her best friend and on such short notice!

This was Dylan's first game, so he really didn't know what to expect or the rules of hockey. But that's what make it more fun, especially seeing his face whenever fights break out during a game haha! The Predators won 4 against 2, and because of a promotional advertisement with Wendy's, everyone who bought a ticket to the game got a free frosty if the Predators won with 4 points or more! :D
Everyone was being fat at one point by chanting, "WE WANT FROSTIES!" after clapping 5 times, haha!
Since Laura has two babies (Addison is still being potty trained, and Wyatt is only a few months old) and is pretty much going insane from lack of friends and family in Georgia, she decided to come back to Tennessee with that friend to visit her own friends and family. This is great for my mom, because she has been so stressed from the amount of bullshit the elementary school she teaches at puts on her. I'm happy my mom gets to see her best friend and on such short notice!
On March 8th my friend Mathew invited Dylan (my boyfriend) and I to the hockey game. The Nashville predators, #5 in the national Hockey league, was playing against the Colorado Avalanche, #9 in the nation. This was my second hockey game, and if you haven't been to a hockey game I recommend you going! It is so much fun, and for 15 dollars you can still get a great view of the ice rink unlike a football game. The whole stadium was packed full of people and the air was electrified in excitement!
This was Dylan's first game, so he really didn't know what to expect or the rules of hockey. But that's what make it more fun, especially seeing his face whenever fights break out during a game haha! The Predators won 4 against 2, and because of a promotional advertisement with Wendy's, everyone who bought a ticket to the game got a free frosty if the Predators won with 4 points or more! :D
Everyone was being fat at one point by chanting, "WE WANT FROSTIES!" after clapping 5 times, haha!
And for my fans who like my drawings, here is one I drew of Dylan a while back of him as Link from Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker!
And here I am having fun playing with photo filters the day we were going to the game x]
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