Author's note: Instead of sleeping, I decided to help a friend out with some boyfriend problems. This boyfriend is also a great friend of mine who I care about, but I am also worried about him. This has been edited from the original I had created for my friend to use.
You have a superiority complex. You can never be wrong, and ALWAYS have something to rebuke or have to be the smart ass. Even right now you want to interrupt me to say something. Shut up and listen!
You Always have to be the "most intelligent" and never take in others advice or opinions, and if you do, it is from complete strangers who you shouldn't even trust in the first place! What is the sense in that?!
Don't interrupt.
Financially you are digging yourself into a shit hole. You want to satisfy daily pleasures and always think about "now now now" rather than future gains or possibilities. Rather than saving money for moving out LIKE YOU TALK ABOUT, or saving "money for college," or saving money for possible future crises, you want to spend money on stupid shit like nerf guns.
I understand that because you have a job and actually earn money you want to spend that money on things you didn't have as a child that you can get now. But that's thinking like a child. You should know better and do better than that, such as acting mature and saving money into an account like a real adult.
Don't Interrupt.
You do not think things through all the way. You do not think about the consequences. You ALWAYS want to do short cuts.
Well let me tell you something: Life is not all SHORT CUTS. You have to do things for yourself in the long run in order to support yourself, your family who depends on you, and any possibilities of having a future.
Don't fucking interrupt me.
I am telling you these things, because I love you enough as a friend to say it. I care about you, your well being, your future, and your family. I saw so much potential in you when you graduated high school, but you flushed it all down the toilet. You failed yourself from an amazing opportunity...
don't interrupt me.
... of getting a free ride from college because of grants, and scholarships that was HANDED to you. And you wasted it.
You wasted all that money by not taking advantage of it, because honestly other people who work hard for scholarships, like me, should have had the money that was HANDED, LITERALLY, to you.
I am telling you this, because instead of progressing as an adult like I thought you would be continuing to do, you are regressing to a child.
You have become lazy, inconsiderate, self-justifying, and ignorant to your own false sense of superiority.
Instead of staying up until 5 in the morning playing video games, act like an adult and apply for better jobs to SAVE money and help support your family and yourself in the future! Shit is not going to be just handed to you! Wake up and start acting like an adult.
DON'T interrupt me!
You are NOT always right. And right now you will argue and say "I know I'm not always right."
Stop fighting, and for once just listen to me. Listen to what I am saying, because one day you are going to hit rock bottom. You are going to hit it so hard and you won't know what to do. You are slowly but surely trickling yourself deeper into a hole that is going to suck the life out of you for good because you didn't think about the future or consequences.
Don't interrupt me.
If you care about yourself and your girlfriend, then you will listen to EVERYTHING I have told you, and just do it. Help yourself before you even THINK about helping her and her problems at home and with life.
Just listen and abide to what I say. I am telling you this because no one else will.
This is it.
You either listen now and change some things, or things are going to become worse, for you. It will just become worse for you, whether you realize and accept it or not.
I am not out to hurt your feelings. That is one of the main points I want to make clear to you right now. This is an intervention between you and I that needs to finally be noticed instead of being the pink elephant in the room that no one will acknowledge.
Just please, for the love of God, listen and have an epiphany about yourself from what I am clearly saying!
In the end, it is your life, but I don't want it being wasted when I know it can be prevented.
Now you may speak.
You have a superiority complex. You can never be wrong, and ALWAYS have something to rebuke or have to be the smart ass. Even right now you want to interrupt me to say something. Shut up and listen!
You Always have to be the "most intelligent" and never take in others advice or opinions, and if you do, it is from complete strangers who you shouldn't even trust in the first place! What is the sense in that?!
Don't interrupt.
Financially you are digging yourself into a shit hole. You want to satisfy daily pleasures and always think about "now now now" rather than future gains or possibilities. Rather than saving money for moving out LIKE YOU TALK ABOUT, or saving "money for college," or saving money for possible future crises, you want to spend money on stupid shit like nerf guns.
I understand that because you have a job and actually earn money you want to spend that money on things you didn't have as a child that you can get now. But that's thinking like a child. You should know better and do better than that, such as acting mature and saving money into an account like a real adult.
Don't Interrupt.
You do not think things through all the way. You do not think about the consequences. You ALWAYS want to do short cuts.
Well let me tell you something: Life is not all SHORT CUTS. You have to do things for yourself in the long run in order to support yourself, your family who depends on you, and any possibilities of having a future.
Don't fucking interrupt me.
I am telling you these things, because I love you enough as a friend to say it. I care about you, your well being, your future, and your family. I saw so much potential in you when you graduated high school, but you flushed it all down the toilet. You failed yourself from an amazing opportunity...
don't interrupt me.
... of getting a free ride from college because of grants, and scholarships that was HANDED to you. And you wasted it.
You wasted all that money by not taking advantage of it, because honestly other people who work hard for scholarships, like me, should have had the money that was HANDED, LITERALLY, to you.
I am telling you this, because instead of progressing as an adult like I thought you would be continuing to do, you are regressing to a child.
You have become lazy, inconsiderate, self-justifying, and ignorant to your own false sense of superiority.
Instead of staying up until 5 in the morning playing video games, act like an adult and apply for better jobs to SAVE money and help support your family and yourself in the future! Shit is not going to be just handed to you! Wake up and start acting like an adult.
DON'T interrupt me!
You are NOT always right. And right now you will argue and say "I know I'm not always right."
Stop fighting, and for once just listen to me. Listen to what I am saying, because one day you are going to hit rock bottom. You are going to hit it so hard and you won't know what to do. You are slowly but surely trickling yourself deeper into a hole that is going to suck the life out of you for good because you didn't think about the future or consequences.
Don't interrupt me.
If you care about yourself and your girlfriend, then you will listen to EVERYTHING I have told you, and just do it. Help yourself before you even THINK about helping her and her problems at home and with life.
Just listen and abide to what I say. I am telling you this because no one else will.
This is it.
You either listen now and change some things, or things are going to become worse, for you. It will just become worse for you, whether you realize and accept it or not.
I am not out to hurt your feelings. That is one of the main points I want to make clear to you right now. This is an intervention between you and I that needs to finally be noticed instead of being the pink elephant in the room that no one will acknowledge.
Just please, for the love of God, listen and have an epiphany about yourself from what I am clearly saying!
In the end, it is your life, but I don't want it being wasted when I know it can be prevented.
Now you may speak.